Since 2003 a synonym for excellency.
Our always-growing IT staff allows Southern Cross International Trading Corporation to design and implement hardware-driven solutions in any enviroments, such as device assembly systems, nanocomponent production related and microcomponent layout design. Hardware companies that sell sophisticated products used in complex systems are in a unique position to capture value from new vendors.
Our 3d link systems and 4K video surveillance are top notch technologies. Our team specialices in link frequency calculations such as radio links, antennas and related.
As a industry leader, Southern Cross International Trading Corporation engages with maximum responsability. Our main goal is success and it is throughly demonstrated in our case applications, such as passenger control system, security systems, general purpose administrative solutions and tailored on-line cloud services.
The fastest growing energy sector around the world. We provide solar and eolic based energy solutions. Southern Cross International Trading Corporation is able to fulfill any kind of these family of projects.
Southern Cross International Trading Corporation - 12002 SW 128 Court, Ste 208, Miami 33186, FL, USA